Important Updates: Applications are now OPEN for the 2025 growing season! Apply here by March 15th

The Lewisburg Community Garden is a joint project between Bucknell University and the Borough of Lewisburg. Through the generosity of the Borough, the Garden utilizes the parcel of land located at the intersection of North Water Street and St. Anthony Street (map).
The Garden is split into two parts- one half of the land is rented to community members who wish to have individual, family, or collective plots. The other half is cultivated by volunteers where we grow organic produce for donation to local food access programs. In 2017, approximately 3,800 pounds of produce was harvested for hot meal programs and food banks. We also seek to use this space to draw upon the wealth of knowledge in our community and host educational opportunities on everything from the technical (how-tos) to community building to big picture issues of justice, sustainability, and human connections to other parts of nature.
The Lewisburg Community Garden is currently looking for:
- Volunteers to help with clearing out weeds and prepping beds for planting food we grow to donate.
- Friends and donors to support our work.
- Ongoing volunteers who may want to take a deeper role in the organization and develop some skills (we’re flexible to your needs & interests- email us as!)
Learn More

We believe that food brings us together. We believe that we all need food and we all need one another.